Bonboneta is a workshop for hand-made articles. Every handiwork we create has a unique design and carefully chosen colours and materials. So even just looking at it would give you a pleasure.Hits:5724, Registered 06-06-2010, Country: Bulgaria
Chef-D'oeuvre - luxury clothing
C for Chefdoeuvre L for #luxury L for limited L for amer Shipping is #worldwideHits:3313, Registered 02-10-2019, Country: Bulgaria
Draw your own dress and Dress to Impress

Hits:3976, Registered 08-03-2018, Country: Bulgaria
LORRETI design studio
Unique wedding dresses, ball gowns, evening dresses, formal dresses. You are planning to be a unique godmother? Start by wearing the perfect godmother dress. A fashion masterpiece for your special moment - this is LORRETI!Hits:3190, Registered 10-06-2021, Country: Bulgaria
Men's Fashion Cluster (MFC)
The main purpose of the Men's Fashion Cluster is to connect businesses, designers, suppliers and associated institutions in the field of men's fashion industry and to help them grow and become more competitive on the world market.Hits:5907, Registered 13-10-2013, Country: Bulgaria
Men's Style
International contest for fashion designers, photographers, filmmakers. Designers, photographers and filmmakers, older than 18 years old from all over the world can participate in the contest. We will support people with business ideas and willingnesHits:5295, Registered 13-10-2013, Country: Bulgaria
Online Shopping at Low Prices at PLM
PLM Tshirts is an online fashion store where you can buy different varities of tees for both men and woman. You can also buy sunglasses, Swimsuits, jackets etc at affordable or cheapest price.Hits:5791, Registered 06-01-2016, Country: Bulgaria
Main activity of the company is offering a full range of CAD/CAM services. Making of a pattern by a sketch, photo or sample, grading in size, marker making and marker drawing.Hits:5330, Registered 22-01-2014, Country: Bulgaria