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Ivan Bitton Style House

Ivan Bitton Style House
We bring selected emerging fashion designers from around the globe to Hollywood, the biggest media platform in the world. With one result every 4 hours, we provide more fashion placements on celebrities then any PR organization in the world.
Hits:4522,   Registered 10-10-2016, Country: United States 

Visit Ivan Bitton Style House website
Products and keywords:
fashion, stylist, celebrity stylists, publicists, PR agency, designer, clothing, shoes, jewelry, accessories
Company type:
Fashion designer, PR Agency, Service provider
Product directories:
Accessories, Activewear, Bridal garments, Clothing, Costumes, Dresses, Footwear, Handbags, Hats, Jeans, Jewelry, Leather goods, Lingerie, Outerwear, Shirts, Sportswear, Suits, Swimwear, Underwear, Watches
Advertising Agencies, Fashion Associations, Public Relations

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