7 companies from Inspection and Testing
Apparelmark - Contract Design & Development Solutions

Hits:5137, Registered 21-11-2018, Country: Canada
Bridge & Stitch
Bridge & Stitch is a production management company that provide a comprehensive range of personalised services encompassing all of the stages of the manufacturing process; design development, pattern cutting, fabric sourcing and UK production.Hits:5034, Registered 26-07-2016, Country: United Kingdom
Kanati Clothing Company
Premium streetwear designer brand. Cut and Sew, Selvedge Denim. Offers Made-on-Demand program for growing brands and designers. Large scale manufacturing and retailer.Hits:7281, Registered 30-04-2014, Country: Canada
ProsacAlwaysmile - Bowtie and Tie
Garage brand dedicated to the creation of bow ties, ties and pochette in different materials like cloth, jute, wood and plexiglass. 100% Made in Italy.Hits:4887, Registered 13-04-2015, Country: Italy
Taseer Dawakhana
"Taseer Dawakhana's web site for best herbal cure,Medicine,disease's articles,lots of information to let your knowledge expand and gives you a better health and better tomorrow.Herbal tonic for vitality.Hits:6664, Registered 10-01-2014, Country: Pakistan
The Italian Blend
On my blog you'll read all about FASHION, lots of fashion sketches ed and posts full of inspiration for your projects!! You'll know what wear an Italian girl and the real Italian style!!Hits:9763, Registered 07-08-2014, Country: Italy
Toredo International Pvt Ltd
Business solutions for all the retailers, designers & traders. We represent you in India, source, do quality check and look after your shipping to cover all your needs.Hits:4575, Registered 22-07-2015, Country: India